Patriot Hard Seltzer Can Designs

Client: Patriot Hard Seltzer
Project Date: June 2023
Role: Graphic Designer

In an effort to gain Patriot as a possible client, I reached out to them through Instagram when I saw an ad they promoted for their whiskey hard seltzer, asking permission to design some can concepts to present to them. They accepted and I began working at coming up with some can concepts that utilized the name “patriot” and popped a bit more design wise.

One of the can designs was inspired by Malibu Splash, in which the can design utilized negative space where the white part of the can was the shape of a Malibu rum bottle. I tried a similar idea where the negative space on my can design was in the shape of an American patriot. While Patriot didn’t end up going with my designs, wanting to stick closer to what they originally had, I did get to work with them again later on.


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